
How Do Mice Keep Getting Into My McKinney Home?

How Do Mice Keep Getting Into My McKinney Home?

How Do Mice Keep Getting Into My McKinney Home?

Post date :

Dec 15, 2021

Post date :

Dec 15, 2021

Post date :

Dec 15, 2021

How Do Mice Keep Getting Into My McKinney Home?


It's no secret that mice can be a nuisance. They can contaminate our food, damage our property, and spread diseases. But where do they come from? More importantly, how do you keep them out of your McKinney, TX home? House mice are small, brown, or dark grey-colored mammals. These little critters typically weigh between 10 and 20 grams and grow about 2-4 inches long. On average, these rodents live for approximately five years and live in family units.

Mice are very adaptable rodents. They spend most of their time hiding in spaces where they can watch out for any possible food source, such as storage rooms to closets. These little pests are constantly searching places that offer them hidden and possibly dry sources of nourishment. Once they discover that they've found the right place, aka your McKinney, TX home, the mice will quickly make their way inside and set up housekeeping.

How Dangerous Are These House Mice?

Mice can cause all kinds of problems. Here are some examples of the real dangers that these pests pose:

  • Food contamination, including food poisoning.

  • Damage to stored goods, including stoves, refrigerator compressors, washing machines.

  • Loss of personal items by chewing on them, such as clothing, furniture, and books.

  • Climb walls to access stored food or build nests in attics or other dark spaces inside the home. They use this same technique to climb up chimneys.

  • Make unpleasant odors by nesting.

Apart from damaging your home, mice can also spread diseases. These include Hantavirus, fevers, dysentery, and salmonellosis from contaminating food, surfaces, and through their urine and feces.

Factors That Attract House Mice To Your McKinney, TX Home

Mice are well known for finding potential hiding places whenever they have the chance. They are also well known for finding food when it's close to their locations. And, finally, mice are very adaptable animals. So when you have a home that is attractive to mice, they will be more likely to find their way inside and stay inside.

A few things that attract mice are dark, enclosed spaces (which they can fit into very easily), food sources a necessity for their survival, such as garbage containers left open or leak food smells. Once they've found these things, it's relatively quick and easy for them to enter your home by chewing through anything that comes in their way. The different materials that house mice can chew through are insulation, drywall, wood, clothing, furniture, and books.

Prevention Tips For Keeping Mice Out

House mice can enter McKinney, TX homes through chimneys or even several other entry points if there is an opportunity for one. To make it difficult or nearly impossible for them to enter, try these prevention tips:

  • Seal gaps around doors and windows to prevent mice from coming indoors through these spaces.

  • Seal all holes and cracks in walls, ceilings, and the basement with caulking.

  • Ensure proper food trash storage.

  • Keep garbage containers closed tightly and bag household trash in plastic bags before placing it in your trash bin.

  • Cover unscreened chimneys with steel mesh caps that won't allow mice to enter through them.

Your home environment could make it impossible to capture more than one or two mice at a time with traps, thus not getting rid of an entire infestation. Contact the professionals at Around the Block Pest Control for an effective rodent control solution.

Tags: rodent control | mouse prevention | mouse dangers

How Do Mice Keep Getting Into My McKinney Home?


It's no secret that mice can be a nuisance. They can contaminate our food, damage our property, and spread diseases. But where do they come from? More importantly, how do you keep them out of your McKinney, TX home? House mice are small, brown, or dark grey-colored mammals. These little critters typically weigh between 10 and 20 grams and grow about 2-4 inches long. On average, these rodents live for approximately five years and live in family units.

Mice are very adaptable rodents. They spend most of their time hiding in spaces where they can watch out for any possible food source, such as storage rooms to closets. These little pests are constantly searching places that offer them hidden and possibly dry sources of nourishment. Once they discover that they've found the right place, aka your McKinney, TX home, the mice will quickly make their way inside and set up housekeeping.

How Dangerous Are These House Mice?

Mice can cause all kinds of problems. Here are some examples of the real dangers that these pests pose:

  • Food contamination, including food poisoning.

  • Damage to stored goods, including stoves, refrigerator compressors, washing machines.

  • Loss of personal items by chewing on them, such as clothing, furniture, and books.

  • Climb walls to access stored food or build nests in attics or other dark spaces inside the home. They use this same technique to climb up chimneys.

  • Make unpleasant odors by nesting.

Apart from damaging your home, mice can also spread diseases. These include Hantavirus, fevers, dysentery, and salmonellosis from contaminating food, surfaces, and through their urine and feces.

Factors That Attract House Mice To Your McKinney, TX Home

Mice are well known for finding potential hiding places whenever they have the chance. They are also well known for finding food when it's close to their locations. And, finally, mice are very adaptable animals. So when you have a home that is attractive to mice, they will be more likely to find their way inside and stay inside.

A few things that attract mice are dark, enclosed spaces (which they can fit into very easily), food sources a necessity for their survival, such as garbage containers left open or leak food smells. Once they've found these things, it's relatively quick and easy for them to enter your home by chewing through anything that comes in their way. The different materials that house mice can chew through are insulation, drywall, wood, clothing, furniture, and books.

Prevention Tips For Keeping Mice Out

House mice can enter McKinney, TX homes through chimneys or even several other entry points if there is an opportunity for one. To make it difficult or nearly impossible for them to enter, try these prevention tips:

  • Seal gaps around doors and windows to prevent mice from coming indoors through these spaces.

  • Seal all holes and cracks in walls, ceilings, and the basement with caulking.

  • Ensure proper food trash storage.

  • Keep garbage containers closed tightly and bag household trash in plastic bags before placing it in your trash bin.

  • Cover unscreened chimneys with steel mesh caps that won't allow mice to enter through them.

Your home environment could make it impossible to capture more than one or two mice at a time with traps, thus not getting rid of an entire infestation. Contact the professionals at Around the Block Pest Control for an effective rodent control solution.

Tags: rodent control | mouse prevention | mouse dangers

How Do Mice Keep Getting Into My McKinney Home?


It's no secret that mice can be a nuisance. They can contaminate our food, damage our property, and spread diseases. But where do they come from? More importantly, how do you keep them out of your McKinney, TX home? House mice are small, brown, or dark grey-colored mammals. These little critters typically weigh between 10 and 20 grams and grow about 2-4 inches long. On average, these rodents live for approximately five years and live in family units.

Mice are very adaptable rodents. They spend most of their time hiding in spaces where they can watch out for any possible food source, such as storage rooms to closets. These little pests are constantly searching places that offer them hidden and possibly dry sources of nourishment. Once they discover that they've found the right place, aka your McKinney, TX home, the mice will quickly make their way inside and set up housekeeping.

How Dangerous Are These House Mice?

Mice can cause all kinds of problems. Here are some examples of the real dangers that these pests pose:

  • Food contamination, including food poisoning.

  • Damage to stored goods, including stoves, refrigerator compressors, washing machines.

  • Loss of personal items by chewing on them, such as clothing, furniture, and books.

  • Climb walls to access stored food or build nests in attics or other dark spaces inside the home. They use this same technique to climb up chimneys.

  • Make unpleasant odors by nesting.

Apart from damaging your home, mice can also spread diseases. These include Hantavirus, fevers, dysentery, and salmonellosis from contaminating food, surfaces, and through their urine and feces.

Factors That Attract House Mice To Your McKinney, TX Home

Mice are well known for finding potential hiding places whenever they have the chance. They are also well known for finding food when it's close to their locations. And, finally, mice are very adaptable animals. So when you have a home that is attractive to mice, they will be more likely to find their way inside and stay inside.

A few things that attract mice are dark, enclosed spaces (which they can fit into very easily), food sources a necessity for their survival, such as garbage containers left open or leak food smells. Once they've found these things, it's relatively quick and easy for them to enter your home by chewing through anything that comes in their way. The different materials that house mice can chew through are insulation, drywall, wood, clothing, furniture, and books.

Prevention Tips For Keeping Mice Out

House mice can enter McKinney, TX homes through chimneys or even several other entry points if there is an opportunity for one. To make it difficult or nearly impossible for them to enter, try these prevention tips:

  • Seal gaps around doors and windows to prevent mice from coming indoors through these spaces.

  • Seal all holes and cracks in walls, ceilings, and the basement with caulking.

  • Ensure proper food trash storage.

  • Keep garbage containers closed tightly and bag household trash in plastic bags before placing it in your trash bin.

  • Cover unscreened chimneys with steel mesh caps that won't allow mice to enter through them.

Your home environment could make it impossible to capture more than one or two mice at a time with traps, thus not getting rid of an entire infestation. Contact the professionals at Around the Block Pest Control for an effective rodent control solution.

Tags: rodent control | mouse prevention | mouse dangers